In a groundbreaking move, the Federal Cabinet is on the verge of approving a pioneering mobile-phone-on-installment policy, presented by the Ministry of IT and Telecom. This transformative initiative, thoroughly reviewed by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and vetted by the Ministry of Law and Justice, is poised to reshape how citizens acquire mobile phones.

Sources indicate that upon federal government approval, the Ministry of IT and Telecom will issue a policy directive to kickstart a cell phone financing program in the upcoming days. This revolutionary policy aims to empower citizens, particularly those with limited financial means, by offering interest-free installment plans to make mobile phones more accessible.

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The proposed policy also introduces a mechanism to address defaulters who fall behind on their installment obligations. If approved, citizens struggling with payments may face the blocking of their mobile phones. This measure marks a significant shift, with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) taking a pivotal role in implementation, moving away from the traditional reliance on mobile companies for enforcement. The Device Identification Registration and Blocking System (DIRBS) of the PTA will play a key role in executing the blocking process.

Emphasizing the government’s commitment to inclusivity, the policy underscores its dedication to assisting low-income individuals, ensuring they have access to essential technology. This aligns with the vision of creating an inclusive digital landscape that caters to the diverse needs of the population.

In an additional exciting development, Dr. Umar Saif, the caretaker Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, shared in a recent discussion with journalists that a telecom company is contemplating offering Apple iPhones on installments. This signals a further expansion of choices for consumers, making premium devices more attainable for a broader segment of the population. Stay tuned for the official green light from the Federal Cabinet, ushering in a new era of accessible mobile technology for all.

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